This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2017 Joshua Saunders brought clean water to 25 de Junho.

Joshua Saunders

25 for Josh's 25th

organized by Joshua Saunders

Help Joshua give the gift of clean water. 100% of every donation raised will fund charity: water's work providing access to clean water projects around the world.





Why Joshua Saunders is fundraising for clean water

Close your eyes. Actually wait... don't do that. Cause then you won't be able to read this. Umm ok instead just think about where you are right now. Maybe you're reading this at the office (don't worry I won't tell), or at home before you go to bed, or maybe while you ride the bus, or in a coffeeshop. Wherever you are I want you to imagine you are suddenly thirsty. Like really thirsty. Like it's 95 degrees and sunny, you just ran 5 miles, and you forgot your water bottle kind of thirsty. Also, just for good measure, imagine you are filthy dirty. Probably because the road you were just running on wasn't pavement but a dusty dirt road. Now bring yourself back to where you are sitting. How many sources of clean drinkable water are within a 60 second walk? I'm guessing at least 1, but probably more like 5-10. (Even your toilet is flushed with clean drinkable water. Ok you probably shouldn't drink that, but you get my point).

I'm sure you've figured it out by now, (because I know my friends, family, and cohorts are all super smart) but you and I are REALLY privledged. And sadly a lot of the world is not quite so privledged. Every day about 1,400 children die from diseases caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation.

This is awful.

This is unfair.

And this doesn't have to be.

So I have an idea that involves you. Yes. YOU.

What if we raised enough money to give 25 people clean drinking water?
Why 25? Well because 25 people is more than 24 people and also because I turn 25 on December 23rd! And for my 25th birthday (and Christmas) I would like for you to consider doing one of the following:

1. Donate $25 dollars to this Campaign.
2. Instead of buying me a birthday and/or Christmas present donate the money you would have spent to this campaign.
3. Go above and beyond the previous two options and donate whatever is on your heart.

Also here is a few extra things that would be AMAZING for you to do:

1. Share this campaign on social media, at work, with your friends, on television (if you are reading this and have access to live tv hello my name is Josh, let's meet and talk some time). I don't care how you do it but SPREAD THE WORD.
2. If I normally buy you a Christmas present, I can donate my present to you to this campaign. Just let me know!
3. Do the same thing I am doing and start your own campaign! Donate YOUR birthday or Christmas to bring people clean water.

Thank you so much for reading, giving, and sharing! I love all of you, thanks for the birthday gifts, and Merry Christmas!


100% of the money will be used to build clean water projects, and when they’re complete, charity: water will send us photos and GPS coordinates so we can see the exact community we helped.

Recent activity + updates
5 comments · 10 donations
  • A
    donated $175 to 25 for Josh's 25th 
    over 6 years ago

    $50 Gifts for:
    Dan and Kelcie Saunders
    Emily and Dave Evans
    Pappy and Momma Saunders

    Donations from:
    Vince Fairchild - $20
    Maggie Neyer - $5

  • A
    Anonymous donated $50 to 25 for Josh's 25th
    over 6 years ago
  • J
    Pickle Rick
    donated $50 to 25 for Josh's 25th 
    over 6 years ago

    Hbd Dad

  • E
    Dave and Emily Evans
    donated $25 to 25 for Josh's 25th 
    over 6 years ago

    Happy Birthday, Joshy

  • A
    Anonymous donated $200 to 25 for Josh's 25th
    over 6 years ago

This campaign brought clean water to 25 de Junho, Mozambique.

Drilled Well
Top Donors

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
    Pickle Rick
  • 5
    Laura Briggs
Past campaigns
25 for Josh's 25th
Ended Dec 31, 2017
Raised $651