This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2017 Nora Wolf brought clean water to Muhavane.

Nora Wolf

Clean water, still important!

organized by Nora Wolf

Help Nora give the gift of clean water. 100% of every donation raised will fund charity: water's work providing access to clean water projects around the world.





Why Nora Wolf is fundraising for clean water

As per usual I am once again giving up my birthday and in lieu of gifts, I ask you to please donate. I'm using only the week before my birthday to raise money for clean water in the world, so don't expect a lot of emails, just one week of them :)
Since I'm turing 32 I suggest $32, but please feel free to give what you are comfortable with. More is always appreciated- duh!

I thought long and hard about if I should change the org who gets my money to something more topical, more local, which is a good idea. But in the end I decided to raise money for clean water again because while it is a less sexy, less flashy and newsy, it is still a huge, global problem and I think clean water is for everyone. I'm not going to write a huge sob story about how much it sucks for people less fortunate than us have it. We all already know it. Just do the right thing and throw some money at this instead of buying me a beer on my birthday!
Something new this year! I love this essay (below) about how truly terrible bottled water is and I hope if you don't already carry a reusable bottle you start after reading this essay. It is a few years old but it is as topical as it is amazing and sassy. Two of my favorite things :)
"Clean, safe drinking water that flows freely out of our faucets is a feat of engineering that humans have been been perfecting for two millennia. It is a cornerstone of civilization. It is what our cities are built upon. And over the years the scientists and hydrologists and technicians who help get water to our houses have also become our environmental stewards, our infrastructural watchdogs, our urban visionaries. Drinking the water these people supply to our homes is the best possible way to protect future access to water worldwide. Even after public water crises like Flint—especially after public crises Flint."

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21 comments · 32 donations

This campaign brought clean water to Muhavane, Mozambique.

Drilled Well
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    Elaine Caldwell
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Past campaigns
Ended Dec 31, 2018
Raised $1,232
Clean water, still important!
Ended Dec 31, 2017
Raised $1,400
Like water for birthdays, edition 31
Ended Dec 31, 2016
Raised $1,124
Nora's Big Round Number
Ended Dec 31, 2015
Raised $1,095
N-woah, agua go!
Ended Dec 31, 2012
Raised $966