This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2010 Trout Monfalco brought clean water to Dr. Ataklti Latrine.

Trout Monfalco

Water from the Arts

organized by Trout Monfalco

Help Trout give the gift of clean water. 100% of every donation raised will fund charity: water's work providing access to clean water projects around the world.





Why Trout Monfalco is fundraising for clean water

Without clean water, people can't live.

If water is available but scarce, a major part of your life is devoted just to getting it and surviving.
There is no time for something more.

This is already happening, right now, throughout the world.

As important as I believe art of all kinds is to civilization, history and our cultures, some basic foundations must exist for art and invention to stand on. One part of that foundation is water for drinking.

You love the arts and so do I. These people are from vibrant cultures with great music, painting and dancing. They will sing and dance and party their asses off… as soon as they can drink.

(This campaign was sparked by our post for Blog Action Day 2010 - What does Clean Water have to do with Art? - )

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This campaign brought clean water to Dr. Ataklti Latrine, Ethiopia.

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Past campaigns
Water from the Arts
Ended Dec 31, 2010
Raised $25