This campaign closed on Dec 19, 2010 Zahraa Khan brought clean water to Toma.

Zahraa's 12th Birthday

organized by Zahraa Khan

Help Zahraa give the gift of clean water. 100% of every donation raised will fund charity: water's work providing access to clean water projects around the world.





Why Zahraa Khan is fundraising for clean water


My name is Zahraa Khan and i am going to be 12 on the 24th of September. For my birthday i thought it would be a good idea to try and raise money for families who are in need of water or food and i thought a good way to do one of these things was with Charity Water.

I would like to raise $1,200 for poor, in need families. Please donate some money for this cause and people somewhere will be thanking you for saving their life with clean water.

I have been inspired by many people who have done Charity Water campaigns such as Keke Palmer,an American actress,and my Uncle Shakil Khan. These people have tried their best to help families in poorer areas in very poor countries such as Ethiopia in Africa.

Charity Water helps provide safe,clean drinking water by building wells for poor areas. This results in saving hundreds of lives. Charity Water has helped over 1,277,430 people in over 15 different countries around the world and raised $10 million from 2006 to February 2010.

Just think for a minute in places not so far from where you are living there are families and children who have not got safe drinking water. People in continents such as Africa walk four miles to get water and the weight they carry is about the same as allowed in airports.

Please donate whatever you can and help me reach my goal of $1,200

Zahraa Khan

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14 comments · 17 donations

This campaign brought clean water to Toma, Central African Republic.

Central African Republic
Deep Borehole
Top Donors

  • 1
    Jamil Khan
  • 2
    JP Jones
  • 3
    Joshua Spear
  • 4
    Riz Wasti
  • 5
    Jeremy Bonney
Past campaigns
Zahraa's 12th Birthday
Ended Dec 19, 2010
Raised $1,218