Megan Ward
Let's end the water crisis in our lifetime
It's crazy to me that some people walk MILES every day for dirty water. I want to do what I can to help change that to give these people opportunities to thrive.
Member since
Est. people served
Lifetime Impact
About charity: water
charity: water is a nonprofit organization bringing clean and safe water to people around the world. We work with local partners to implement sustainable, community-owned water projects and prove each one with photos and GPS coordinates.
Activity from Megan's community
7 comments · 26 donations
  • E
    Ed and Patty donated $100
    10 months ago
  • M
    Buck and Mel donated $100 to September 2023
    10 months ago
  • P
    Pam donated $60 to September 2023
    10 months ago
  • T
    Terri and Jerry Renfro joined The Spring
    10 months ago
  • A
    ashlie donated $40 to September 2023
    10 months ago
Top Donations

  • 1
    Joelynn Solutions
  • 2
    Joelynn Solutions
  • 3
    Joelynn Solutions
  • 4
    Pam Zullo
  • 5
    Ed and Patty
Past campaigns
September 2023
Ended Oct 1, 2023
Raised $2,285
2020 September Campaign
Ended Oct 1, 2020
Raised $1,030