This campaign closed on Jun 30, 2019 Hartigan Miller brought clean water to Naputa and 1 other project.

#Mahwahter 2019

organized by Hartigan Miller

Help Hartigan give the gift of clean water. 100% of every donation raised will fund charity: water's work providing access to clean water projects around the world.





Why Hartigan Miller is fundraising for clean water

The Mahwahter Project:

Think back on your day. How much water did you use? Maybe you drank a water bottle at lunch, or washed your hands a few times. But what about the less-than-obvious? What about the indirect ways?

Without water, how would you meet your basic needs? How would you have clean clothes to wear? Or clean dishes to eat from? How would you cook pasta or make coffee? How would you have food at all, if there wasn’t water for the crops, or to give to animals? How would you take a shower, or use a toilet?

Even beyond your basic needs- how would you play sports without grass? How could you paint, or make ceramics, without water? How could you read books, or write stories, without paper that was created using water?

Water affects EVERYTHING.

For many people around the world, though, water is hard to come by. Women and children are especially affected by the lack of clean, available water near their homes, and they often have to walk hours each day to find water. These are hours they could spend working, or going to school, or playing. If they’re lucky enough to find water, it’s often contaminated with cholera and dysentery that make their families sick. Charity:Water looks to change this by drilling wells and giving women and children a safe, clean water source close to their homes so their health is improved, they have more time in their days, and they aren’t fighting to meet basic needs.

Interact, Future Problem Solvers, Girls Learn, the Environmental Club, FCA, and Future Medical Professionals are collaborating on Mahwahter, a month-long initiative to raise money for Charity:Water. It’s running through March.

Thank you for your help!

Recent activity + updates
5 comments · 10 donations

This campaign brought clean water to Naputa, Mozambique and 1 other project.

Well With Handpump (Rehabilitated)
Top Donors

  • 1
    Interact Club
  • 2
    La Gondola Pizzeria
  • 3
    Interact/Environmental Club Bake Sale
  • 4
    Christine Hartigan Miller
  • 5
    Girls Learn International
Past campaigns
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