This campaign closed on Jun 30, 2015 Hartigan Miller brought clean water to Qortimi.


organized by Hartigan Miller

Help Hartigan give the gift of clean water. 100% of every donation raised will fund charity: water's work providing access to clean water projects around the world.





Why Hartigan Miller is fundraising for clean water

Join Mahwah High School and the MH20 project to raise money to bring clean water to developing countries!

Did you know that it takes 37 gallons of water to make a cup of coffee? Coffee beans need water to grow, then they need to be processed, and shipped, all before using water to actually brew it!

We use water so much in ways we don't realize. Places in the United States, like California, are under mandatory water restrictions because we're running out of clean, available water. Imagine trying to take a shower, and suddenly nothing comes out of the faucet.

In other places around the world, people never had the luxury of running water to begin with. Women and children walk miles each day to collect dirty, contaminated water from streams they share with animals. This water makes them sick, and water-bourne illnesses kill more people around the world than war does. Walking for the water also keeps them from doing other activities, like going to school.

Help Mahwah High School and the MH20 project raise awareness about the need for water conservation, and raise funds to build clean water wells in developing counties. Even a small donation can make a huge difference!

#wateryoudoingtohelp #mahwahter #mh20

Recent activity + updates
7 comments · 12 donations
  • H
    donated $66 to MH2O 
    Editedover 8 years ago

    International Compassion bake sale proceeds!

  • H
    donated $49 to MH2O 
    Editedover 8 years ago

    Bake sale money from Interact club!

  • H
    donated $61.25 to MH2O 
    Editedover 8 years ago

    Thanks to the HOPE club for having a bake sale on our behalf!

  • H
    donated $88 to MH2O 
    Editedover 8 years ago

    Bake sale money from Classic American Literature Book Club!

  • L
    Lisa Micich
    donated $40 to MH2O 
    Editedover 8 years ago

    Best wishes on your upcoming wedding.

This campaign brought clean water to Qortimi, Ethiopia.

Drilled Well
Top Donors

  • 1
    Christy Hartigan
  • 2
    Ms. Hartigan
  • 3
    Christy Hartigan
  • 4
    Christy Hartigan
  • 5
    Christy Hartigan
Past campaigns
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#Mahwahter 2019
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Ended Jun 30, 2017
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First Anniversary of my 29th Birthday
Ended Dec 31, 2016
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Ended Jun 30, 2015
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Christy and Mike's Wedding
Ended Mar 31, 2015
Raised $350