Help bring clean and safe water to every person on the planet.

703 million people live without clean water. The daily effort to collect dirty water forces families to journey away from home and makes it harder to earn an income. It keeps kids out of school and steals their education.

Access to clean water changes everything. But our work to end the water crisis can't start without your support. You can help provide education, income, dignity, and health — especially for women and girls. No matter how much you choose to give, 100% will directly fund clean water for those who need it most.

You deserve to give with confidence

Philanthropists and Gift Aid cover our operating costs so you can trust 100% of your donation will go directly to water solutions, every penny, every time. These companies and organisations agree.

Join The Spring to invest in clean water and sustainability

Give monthly, and you’ll become a part of The Spring, a passionate community invested in a world where everyone has clean water.

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Sponsor a water project

Transform an entire community, school, or health clinic with a gift of £8,500 or more.

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